
learn, grow, and thrive

  • Expand your horizons by meeting and talking with fellow romance writers in both formal and informal settings. Learn from your peers and from experts at our monthly meetings, through our online discussion groups, and from our social events. Writing can be a lonely calling, and Southern California Romance Writers provides a welcoming and friendly atmosphere to socialize, learn, and grow.

    Attend a Meeting

  • Online classes let you learn at your own pace in the comfort of your home.

    Taught by industry professionals and award-winning authors, our online classes will build your knowledge of the writing craft, the publishing business including self-publishing and marketing, and historical and modern research topics.

    SoCalRW members receive a discount on all online classes unless otherwise noted.

    Join an Online Class

  • Want to be part of San Diego's most dynamic group of writing and publishing professionals? Whether you are just getting started writing romance, or have several published novels under your belt, Southern California Romance Writers is the place to go to learn, grow, and be inspired. Members gain access to educational meetings, reader events, pitch sessions with editors and agents, and so much more.

    Join SoCalRW


Originally organized in 1982, the San Diego chapter of Romantic Writers of America disaffiliated from Romance Writers of America® in 2021, and is now known as Southern California Romance Writers. Southern California Romance Writers (SoCalRW) is a not-for-profit organization that promotes excellence in romantic fiction, helps writers become published and establish careers in their writing field, and provides continuing support for writers within the romance publishing industry as well as benefits literacy. The organization offers members a vehicle for exchanging industry news, information, writing tips, support, and encouragement—necessary tools to learn, grow and thrive.