3D Story Development workshop - May 5th

The Three Ds of Story Development


Have you signed up for the 3D Story Development workshop yet?  Seats are filling up fast.

*Dynamic Characters* - Create 3D characters with layers of depth including strengths and weaknesses that allow for character growth and strong, consistent characterization.

*Depth of Conflict* - Establish depth of conflict by developing internal and commitment flaws designed to challenge character's romantic, immediate and long term goals.

*Developing Story* - Complete a storyboard based on imperative plot points that direct you through the story with as much or as little detail as you need. Good for plotters and pantsers alike.
From historical to contemporary, from sweet to spicy, from stories with a mysterious twist to stories with babies, daddies, and nannies, the panelists offer a wide variety of experience in genre romance. During the two hour workshop the panel will open their brainstorming session to the participants as they go through the process that has led to the sale of over 20 novels. The participants will be invited to give input into the 3D Story Development process. This is an interactive workshop designed for audience participation in a live demonstration of an actual story coming to life with the use of the 3D tools.


The process of defining strengths, weaknesses, fears, and vulnerabilities to develop multi-dimensional characters with believable motivations. Explore how the hero and heroine clash, complement each other, and change in the journey to personal growth and romantic commitment.

Using the character elements developed from the Character Matrix to answering story questions to build sustainable conflict between the hero and heroine and create the backbone of the story.

Strategize pacing by identifying pivotal plot points designed to eliminate a sagging middle. Integrate scenes suggested by Character and Conflict Matrixes to develop a strong and cohesive story and a memorable romance.


Published Authors - Terry Blain, Teresa Carpenter, Jill Limber and Jackie Allen - will be leading the class on May 5th at the Souplantation in La Mesa!  Don't miss it! :)


You can email Cori Conrad at coriconrad.uf at gmail.com to reserve your spot.


See you there!


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