RWASD Participates in Brenda Novak’s Diabetes Auction, by Marie Andreas
As writers we cherish the chance to touch others through our words, to inspire readers to follow us on an adventure. Well, there are a few other ways we as writers (and readers) can make an impact on others- donating time, effort, and items to a worthy charity.I am pleased to say that RWASD has stepped up to the plate for a charity near and dear to my heart – Brenda Novak’s Diabetes Auction (as a person with diabetes, I really appreciate any help to get rid of this disease!).This year there have been many RWASD donations-please go check them out as well as the other great items.Hopefully I haven’t left any item off- if I have please add it in the comments!Lisa Kessler: lunch and plotting session at RWA13A floral basket filled with books written by San Diego authors including Melissa Cutler, Jillian Stone, Christine Cody, Crystal Green, Cassi Carver, HelenKay Dimon, Lisa Kessler, Judy Duarte, Mary Leo, Teresa Carpenter, Terry Irene Blain, Georgie Lee, Linda Wisdom, Ann Siracusa, and Jannine Corti Petska.Melissa Cutler: 2013 ARC bundle of her books Chris Marie Green: Autographed set of Vampire Babylon books (6)Brainstorming session with agent Laura Bradford.“YOUR Agent for a day” with Laura Bradford Evaluation of a partial and phone follow up with agent Kevan LyonEvaluation of a partial with 72 hour response with agent Kevan Lyon.All of these great items and more can be found here: bid often and join with me in thanking the hardworking RWASD authors who donated!