"When Ducky Sang"- Carlene Love Flores

Carlene Love FloresHi everyone! It’s my first time blogging for my new chapter’s blog and I’m very excited to be here.So I’ve been thinking a lot lately about gentlemen. You know, the ones who open doors, suffer in silence and yes, even blush. Because sometimes, we fall for the non-alpha male. In a world full of Spartans, Cowboys and the occasional Salvatore brother, they’re a little harder to spot, but they’re there. And they’re adorable as heck. The Ducky’s of the world are just waiting to be the star hero of your next romance novel.For me, it started the minute I watched Ducky serenading Andie in the record shop. Rewind. For anyone who doesn’t know, Ducky is the Jon Cryer character from the 1986 John Hughes film “Pretty in Pink”. His dark hair was so cool; he may as well have been Elvis. I loved his style of clothes and his shoes, oh man, pure funky coolness. But when he sang, I fell in love. Even though Ducky wasn’t the wanted man in the film, I only ever saw him as this strong, determined, brave soul. He knew what he wanted and he went after it. In my eyes, he was the prize no one wanted and I’ve never understood that.Does a man’s hard muscle definition trump a tender heart?As a woman, I do want someone who is strong. But even if lacking insanely sculpted biceps and testosterone of steel, a guy like Ducky is going to stand up for his lady. I have full confidence in that. His machismo is coming from his heart. The heart—it’s a muscle too. At the end of a long day, a Ducky does it for me just as easily as a Navy Seal. To quote Sheryl Crow, all I want to know is are you strong enough to be my man? I think, no, I know, a Ducky would say yes.I’d love for you to meet my modern-day Ducky. His name is Ben and he’s a giant, quirky webmaster for a rock band. In my book series, The Sin Pointe Novels, he’s a major behind the scenes player and can usually be found brightening the days of everyone around him. I was so proud to give Ben his own story in Sin’s Haven. I hope you’ll check in on Ben and root for him as he struggles to prove why finishing first isn’t always the most important thing for a nice guy.But now I want to hear from you.Who are some of your favorite fictional beta heroes and why? For the writers out there, if you were going to cast a non-alpha male as the lead in your story, what qualities would you give him to keep him competitive with his more macho counterparts?Thanks so much for letting me guest blog today. Love stories rock!sinshaven1mFind out more about big, gentle Ben in his story here: http://carlenelove.com/A Bit About Carlene:Carlene Love Flores is a big fan of the stars (especially Orion), honest music (especially Depeche Mode), and her traveling family (no favorites there-she loves them all). These things inspire her intimate style of romance writing. She feels honored to be a member of Washington DC Romance Writers (WRWDC) and RWA San Diego (RWASD). Carlene currently lives in the San Diego area where she can often be found listening to live music and looking up at the sky on clear nights.  If she could touch someone’s heart with her writing the way others have done for her, she’d say truly there never lived a luckier girl.Carlene would love to hear from you, find her here:Website  http://carlenelove.com/Publisher  http://www.evernightpublishing.com/carlene-love-flores/Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6887320.Carlene_Love_FloresFacebook  https://www.facebook.com/carlene.l.floresTwitter  https://twitter.com/cloveflores


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