Check it Out: September Workshops
We’re almost halfway through August, which means the “Back to School” season is in full effect. Strolling through Target (or clicking through Amazon), we’re bombarded with images of pencils, notebooks, and backpacks – all the necessary accoutrements for kids gearing up to return to the classroom. As a child, I remember this time of year inspiring mixed emotions: sadness and disappointment about the lazy days of summer coming to an end, but also a nervous excitement about what was to come in September. What new people would I meet? What new experiences would I have? How would this year change me for the better?The older we get, the easier it is to forget about that feeling of anticipation – the thrill of learning something new and growing as an individual. But just because we’re not in grade school anymore doesn’t mean we can’t recapture that spirit of renewal and enlightenment. We simply have to be more proactive about seeking it out.Think about it: when was the last time you learned something new?Well, this September, RWA San Diego has two workshops to help start your school year off on the right foot – one focusing on craft, the other on business – and both are designed to help you grab the attention of editors and readers alike.CRAFT: EditingHave you ever cringed after finding an embarrassing typo in your manuscript – after you’ve submitted it to an agent or editor? In How’d I Miss That? Tips and Tricks for Self-Editing, Kathryn Jane aims to show us how to easily avoid situations like this. By learning how to identify common weaknesses in our writing such as inconsistencies, passive voice, clichés, and clunky rhythm, you can be confident you'll be delivering high-quality prose every time you hit Send.BUSINESS: MarketingEilis Flynn returns to RWA San Diego to teach Marketing Your Book With Key Phrases. This crash course in advertising reveals certain “magic words” that are proven to elicit a reaction from people. By employing them strategically, you’ll be better equipped to hook your readers into buying your books, or entice agents and editors into giving your query letter a second look.If you’re ready to take your writing career to the next level, then sign up for one of our exciting workshops today.See you in September!