Upcoming Classes from RWA San Diego
No matter where you are in your writing career, RWA San Diego has an online class to fit your needs. This month, we’re offering a craft workshop to help those in the query trenches to polish their manuscripts for submission, as well as a business workshop to help published authors market their books.The Sweet 16 First Lines of Your ManuscriptWhile it’s obviously important for a manuscript to be polished and presentable from start to finish, it’s crucial that the first page be flawlessly executed. These first sixteen lines of your book are responsible for hooking your readers, and introducing you as a writer. They could mean the difference between a full request and a pass from an agent; they could influence a potential customer to One Click purchase your book or scroll to the next one in the list. Experienced instructor Chris Mandeville will share guidelines, strategies, and advice for tightening up your opening lines, as well as provide individualized critiques of your own first pages. The lecture takes place on Wednesday, March 16th, so sign up today! Social Media Basics: Twitter and Facebook Page 101
Nowadays, social media is a required method of marketing your books, and all authors need to get on board. If you’ve yet to create your Facebook author page or your Twitter feed has been languishing for months, this is the course for you. Taught by author and book blogger, Denise Alicea, you’ll acquire the knowledge to get your own Facebook and Twitter accounts up and running by the end of this two week course. The first class starts Monday, March 14th, so reserve your space while there’s still availability! If these classes don’t do it for you, don’t forget to check back in next month, when we’ve got even more exciting offerings for writers of all experience levels.