April Meeting Update!
Hi, my fellow storytellers...I hope this finds all of you safe and sound.We are dragging the chapter into the 21st Century! Our next meeting will be done online in a virtual environment!!Our San Diego Chapter member, Lisa Kessler, (and the newest National Board member) will be presenting her Dark Moments. I have been lucky to hear this before ... and if you haven't, you are in for a treat! I really wanted her to do this during 2020 ... and here she is!Please visit our Meetings page to sign up for this wonderful day. The chapter is bringing this to you for $5.00 (member price) and $8.00 for guests. The password and meeting invitation will be sent out to you after you sign up ... during next week.We will also have our regular business meeting ... and you know that book I promised for the last meeting?? ... I still have it and am planning on giving it away during the April meeting! Whooo hoo!Looking forward to having you all join us on Saturday, April 18 at 10:00 AM.Please take care!Kind regards,CJ CorbinRWASD President