Guest PostMindset, Motivation, and Well-Being A TO Z for Writers Workshopby Joy E. Held
Here's instructor, Joy E. Held with some added details than the course description listed on the class sign-up page contains to show why writers like you should sign up for her September course presented by RWASD Online Training.
Mindset, Motivation, and Well-Being A to Z for Writers
Active Class Dates: 09/01/20 - 09/30/20 (4 weeks)
Cost: $25 RWASD Members, $30 Non-RWASD Members
Lesson Frequency: Monday/Wednesday/Friday; Twelve LessonsTo Register:
What Is Mindset, Motivation, and Well-Being?
Here’s the workshop description:“Mindset, Motivation & Well-being A to Z for Writers” presents a host of suggestions for overhauling your writing life inside and out. Some of the topics will resonate and some will need to percolate for a while, but everything from coping with anxiety to applying zero-based thinking can potentially recharge your existence until you are unstoppable in every aspect. These premises apply to more than just writers, but the creative juices needed to produce stories is more draining than it looks. These concepts could be the missing ingredient you’ve been searching for.The course will present the ideas and offer outside readings or internet links to explain each one. Course participants will be encouraged to post experiences and thoughts.MindsetI like how psychology researcher Carol S. Dweck, Ph. D. of Stanford University describes mindset:“Mindsets are just beliefs. They’re powerful beliefs, but they’re just something in your mind, and you can change your mind.” (16)There are basically two mindsets: fixed and growth. In the workshop, we’ll tinker with what this means to writers.MotivationOf course, motivation means how much horsepower or get-up-and-go you have to accomplish a task. Looking at motivation from a writer’s perspective, we’ll take a peek at the consequences, competence, choice, and community aspects involved in being motivated.Well-beingAlthough the term wellbeing is typically associated with emotional stability in psychological circles, I look at it with a wider lens that includes the areas of physical, emotional, spiritual, and communal strength. For my purposes, the hyphenated version well-being is more accurate because I’m a writer and because ‘well’ is an adjective and ‘being’ is a verb and such things require the punctuation. The workshop will present a myriad of ways you can choose from to improve your personal well-being.From action to zero-based thinking, I’m sure you’ll discover something new in this workshop that can be added to your personal tool kit to move you from confused to confident when it comes to your writing career. Writing is not just about arranging the twenty-six letters of the alphabet over and over. Writing success depends on the writer/operator maintaining a good attitude and making the best choices. Please join me in the workshop to learn how the right mindset, motivation, and well-being attitudes can support your health and career.Send questions to: joyeheld [at] gmail [dot] com.Be well, write well!All good things,JoyWomen with clean houses do not have finished books! ~Joy E. HeldWorks CitedDweck, Carol. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Ballentine Books, 2016.[su_speaker speaker_name="Joy E. Held" speaker_image=""] JOY E. HELD, A.A.S., B.A., M.F.A. is an author, freelance editor, educator, Yoga Alliance Registered yoga and meditation teacher, college English professor, certified Journal to the Self facilitator, and workshop presenter with over 500 articles published in trade magazines, newspapers, and literary journals. Her historical romance novel Message to Love was published in 2010 by The Wild Rose Press. Her nonfiction book Writer Wellness: A Writer’s Path to Health and Creativity will be released from Headline Books, Inc. in spring 2020. Joy is a member of Romance Writers of America, Hearts Through History Romance Writers, Northeast Ohio RWA, and the Author's Guild. She holds degrees in education, journalism, and an M.F.A. in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University.[/su_speaker]